Dear reader,

Are you prepared for Joe Biden’s America?

Because even though he’s mentally impaired, the simple and incredibly scary fact is this:

He’s now won the White House.

And this 110-page document from the Biden camp holds details about his true plans for America…

For you.

For your family.

And to be blunt – what I’ve found is terrifying.

Watch this presentation in full and I’ll show you everything I see coming, including…

  • The fastest one-day stock market drop in U.S. history. Yahoo! Finance says “Joe Biden would be brutal for the stock market.” I believe markets could crash as much as 40% in nearly an instant. Meaning if you had a $1,000,000 retirement account invested in an index fund, it would be worth $600,000. I’ll show you the trigger…
  • Tax hikes that will rival the highest tax rates in your lifetime. Could it go as high as 60%, 70% and even 80%? I believe it’s possible… in fact, it’s happened before in America. I’ll show you the proof.) In this case, The Hill says, “Biden’s record setting tax hikes will take your money — and your job.”
  • The first “puppet president” in American history. I’ll show you who would really be making the decision in the Biden White House from executive orders to having her finger over the nuclear button. CNN called them a “capable person waiting in the wings to take over…”
  • Pandemic Lockdown 2.0: Bloomberg says “we will be living with coronavirus pandemic well into 2021.” I believe in a Biden administration we could see everything from mandatory mask laws, to harsh travel restrictions, to a federal GPS location app on your cell phone requiring you to report on your whereabouts. I’ll give you some guidance for how to prepare, in just a minute…
  • The largest influx of illegal immigration into America. The Washington Times says Biden’s plan will grant “citizenship rights for 11 million illegal immigrants”… “Halt deportations for 100 days”… and increase the number of refugees from 18,000 under President Trump to 125,000 under Biden. What signal do you think that will send to people who want to come here illegally? The strain will have a bearing on your taxes, your portfolio and maybe even your town’s demographic…
  • The rise of private emergency response numbers for the uber-rich. If you’re in the 1%, these private police force companies will respond to break ins or threats. For everyone else, the traditional 911 response times could be half an hour or longer, if there’s an answer at all, as police retire in record numbers. Don’t worry, I’ve contacted a security expert on your behalf, and I’ll introduce you in just a bit…
  • Nationwide “Cancel America” Rallies. Freedom of speech could be abolished once and for all as political correctness goes mad. Mobs will take control over more and more areas in an attempt to turn our republic into a social and cultural Marxist hellhole. If you think calls for defunding the police and destroying statues is bad, we haven’t seen anything yet. (This will trigger the rich to stampede into one particular investment I’ll show you. I’m already buying it up in anticipation.)
  • Trillions in new national debt in President Biden’s first year in office. All of it spent to provide free college… free healthcare… free household income and more. If you can name something that people want, it’s on the table for the government to give away for free. This will perpetuate the biggest lie in history, and destroy America’s #1 financial asset in the process…

And so, I ask you again...

“Are you ready for Joe Biden’s America?”

If you answered “no”, don’t worry.

That’s the exact reason I’m issuing this warning video — because there’s still time to prepare.

But you cannot wait until Inauguration Day. It will be too late.

Which is why I’m recommending my readers take five simple steps to protect your portfolio and your family ahead of January 20th.

I’m going to show you the #1 defense move to make right here and right now >>>

This is a move I’ve personally invested over $1mm in to protect me and my family’s interests.

It’s a move that will protect your wealth as Joe Biden and the democrats claw their way back to power.

I’ll also show you three popular but “marked” stocks you do NOT want to own come Inauguration Day.

I’ll also give you some details about a unique strategy that will let you use a crash in the stock market — which I’m anticipating — to make massive gains.

And, I’ll show you the stocks that I believe will soar based on the research I’m sharing with my readers so they have the best chance to profit.

Best of all, these are five moves you can start making minutes after watching this video if you take the right steps.

So if you never subscribe to my ongoing research or ever join my private community, please watch this video in its entirety, if only for a few free pieces of crucial information.

I’m going to show you how you can get weekly updates on what to do as Biden’s presidency plays out, how it will affect your finances and liberties…

Because my #1 motivation in sharing this with you today…

To help you prepare and preserve your wealth at this pivotal point in our history…

Thanks for listening.

And God bless America in this troubling time…

Jim Rickards


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